Recruitment Agencies banner

As you’ll understand, we receive a lot of interest from recruitment agencies and we’re not able to work with all the companies that contact us. While your interest is appreciated, we have a system in place for managing our agency relationships that we ask you to note.

ATG Entertainment has a preferred supplier list (PSL) for recruitment and temporary staffing agencies in the UK. This includes all permanent, temporary and contracting roles, details of which will be made available to agencies on the PSL through our agency portal.

Currently ATG is not seeking new agencies to add to our PSL. However if you would like to register your interest please contact our Talent Acquisition Team via with your details which will be kept on file for any future opportunities which can’t be covered by the companies we are currently working with.

Please note: We will not accept unsolicited CVs, candidate newsletters or other general approaches and we ask that you do not contact hiring managers or any other staff with speculative approaches. Please do not add our staff to any marketing newsletters or mailing lists. Continued unsolicited approaches or communications will affect our decision to work with you in the future.

Any unsolicited CVs received will be interpreted as gifts and we reserve the right to contact any such candidate without any obligation to the agency concerned.

Thank you again for your interest.