Q. What kind of shows would I work on?
Check the programme of your local ATG theatre; this will give you an idea of the broad range of performances and events you could be supporting. It could be a comedy one-nighter, a week long musical, an off-site event in your local community or a corporate hire.
Q. How long is the apprenticeship?
The apprenticeship usually starts in September every other year.
Q. When would I start?
The apprenticeship lasts for two years, and you’ll start by working 30 hours per week.
Q. Is the apprenticeship paid?
Yes! You will be paid a salary based on 30 hours per week.
Q. What are the hours?
Apprentices are contracted to work 30 hours per week. There may be opportunities for further hours if you are progressing well with your training and can demonstrate you are working as a competent technician.
Working as a technician involves working some unusual hours; you may be starting very early or finishing very late, when public transport is not operating. Get ins and get outs may take place over night, for example. It is crucial you are able to attend these as part of your training, as there is a great deal to learn from getting in or taking down a show, so you should expect to work outside normal office hours every week. This is definitely not a 9-5 job!
Q. Where would I work?
Your main place of work will be one of ATG's theatres. We select a different group of theatres to participate each year, which we will publish in the summer. You’ll be based in one theatre during your first year and move to another theatre in your second year. We’ve introduced this because we think it will offer a broader training and therefore make you more employable afterwards as you’ll have worked on a wider range of shows and seen two different venues and teams in action.
Some additional travel will be required, to visit other theatres or for external training and we reimburse your additional expenses for this.
It is important you think carefully about the varied hours involved in the apprenticeship, how you would travel to and from the theatre and the cost of travel before applying. If you have any questions please contact recruitment@atgentertainment.com.
Q. Who can apply?
Anyone who is ready to start a career as a technician is eligible to apply. There are no age restrictions or requisite qualifications. However, we do require you to live within reasonable travelling distance from the participating theatres.
Please note this apprenticeship is not suitable for those still studying; if you are part way through a degree or other course, and would need to return to studying after the apprenticeship, you are not eligible. It cannot be undertaken in place of a placement as part of your course.
Q. What are you looking for in an apprentice?
We’re looking for people who:
- Are ambitious, determined and eager to learn
- Are self-motivated and work well as an active member of a team
- Act professionally at all times, with a positive attitude to learning and work
- Have strong attention to detail, including planning and evaluating tasks
- Have an enthusiastic approach to undertaking a wide variety of duties, to be executed to the best of their ability
- Communicate confidently, pleasantly and effectively with a wide range of people
- Enjoy working practically and have a hands-on approach to using equipment and tools
- Have an interest in theatre and have aspirations of working in the technical theatre industry
Please note, no previous work experience in technical theatre or previous qualifications are required to apply for the apprenticeships. Previous qualifications in technical theatre at Level 3 or above may mean you are not eligible to apply: please contact recruitment@atgentertainment.com for more information.
I already work for ATG. Does this exclude me from applying?
No. If you fulfil the other characteristics in the person specification you are very welcome to apply.
Q. Will I be guaranteed a job at the end of the apprenticeship?
A job will not be guaranteed, because we don’t always know which theatres will have a suitable vacancy. However it is expected that vacancies will arise which interest you, particularly if you are open to working in a variety of our theatres.
Q. What is the recruitment process?
The recruitment process includes an application form, an assessment day and an interview. We assess the application forms against the person specification you will see in the advert, and select a group of approximately 12 candidates to meet at the assessment day. This involves some group activities and a short interview during which we will find out about you, and you can find out more about ATG and what it is like to work for the company.
Q. How many applications do you receive?
In 2024 we received over 180 applications for 5 positions. Don’t let this put you off; if you are interested in working as a technician and think you have the qualities we are looking for, you should apply.
Unfortunately due to the volume of applications received we are not always able to offer detailed feedback on application forms unless you already work for ATG. We do offer feedback for everyone invited to the assessment day.
Q. I need a visa to work in the UK. Can ATG sponsor me?
No. ATG is not able to sponsor candidates for this position.
Q. I want to work for ATG as a freelance/casual technician. Who should I contact?
If you are already an experienced technician, you are welcome to send your CV speculatively to the Technical Manager in your nearest theatre. Roles with ATG Productions are advertised on Mandy (the new name for Stage Jobs Pro).
Q. What do I do now?
Keep an eye on our jobs page for the next vacancies; you can sign up for an alert when we publish our next apprenticeships via Sign Up for Job Alerts. You can also register with the Apprenticeships Service website to search for apprenticeships vacancies.
Q. I want to work in theatre, but not as a technician. Where should I go?
There are many ways you can gain relevant experience or find relevant jobs in the industry.
At ATG, you could:
- Take part in a Creative Learning project
- Undertake work experience
- Check out job vacancies in the company
For jobs and experience outside of ATG, you can find many opportunities on the following websites: